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What are the most common hand characteristics?

In order to discriminate common hand characteristics from uncommon- and abnormal hand characteristics, it is most of all important to become aware of the most typical hand characteristics.

The picture below presents an overview of the most typical- and the most common characteristics in the dermatoglyphics, the three major palmar crease & important anthropomorphic hand data - which describes the hand shape + finger length (in terms of the length of the middle finger).

Common seen characteristics in hands - phantom picture concept.
NOTICE: The anthropomorphic hand data is based on the European population only, taken from data presented by the BAuA (Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin). The dermatoglyphic data relates to the Fingerprints World Map, which presents an overview of the prevalence of whorls, ulnar loops, radial loops & arches in populations around the world.


In general are hand characteristics likewise distributed among the populations living on the continents & the countries around world. However some stricking differences have been noticed as well. A few of the common parterns & population related differences are described below.


In most populations around the world is the ulnar loop the most common fingerprint pattern, though in some Asian countries is the whorl most common.

Based on the location of the deltas (triradii) in fingerprints one can discriminate 4 basic fingerprint types:

• 'WHORLS' (W) are characterized by the presence of two delta (triradius): one delta is located on the ulnar side (pinky side) of the fingerprint, and delta on the radial side (thumb side). If a person has fingerprint whorls, these are usually seen on the ring finger, thumb and/or index finger - or on all five fingers. Whorls are least common on the pinky finger: only about 10% of people have a whorl on one or both pinkies. About 3% of people have whorls on all 10 fingers.

NOTICE: Twin loops, lateral pockets, central pockets & accidental can be grouped as well as whorls.

• '(ULNAR) LOOPS (L)' are characterized by the presence of one delta (triradius): this delta is always located on the radial side (thumb side) of the fingerprint. Far most people (95%) have one or more ulnar loops. They are most common on the pinky finger (80%), and least common on the index finger. About 10% of people have ulnar loops on all 10 fingers.

• 'RADIAL LOOPS (RL)' are characterized by the presence of one delta (triradius): this delta is always located on the ulnar side (pinky side) of the fingerprint. If a person has a radial loop, it is usually seen only on the index finger; and radial loops are rarely seen on the thumb or pinky finger. Sometimes radial loops can be seen in multiple fingers (typical is the combination on the index finger + middle finger, or middle finger + ring finger), but they are never seen on all 10 fingers together.

• 'ARCHES (A)' are characterized by the absence a delta. Most people who have one or more arches have this pattern pattern on their index finger and/or middle finger. Other combinations are unusual, but not rare. About 0.1% of people have arches on all 10 fingers.

NOTICE: Tented arches can be grouped as well as arches.


Most people have 5 deltas (triradii) in each of both palms: one under each finger + the axial triradius (which relates to the thumb); and these 5 deltas are typically featured with one palmar (distal) loop. The presence of other palmar loops/whorls is always featured with extra deltas. And if one of more deltas are missing below the fingers, the palm might display no loop at all.


In general the hands of males relatively wider than the hands of females, but this tendency is for a large part a direct result of the differences in body height. And likewisely the hands of Asians (who are characterized by smaller body height) are narrower than the hands of caucasians.

You can learn much more about palm reading here:
• Ask questions & join discussions at: The Modern Hand Reading Forum
• Palm Reading Research Projects at HandResearch.com

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COPYRIGHT © 2015 Martijn van Mensvoort, MSc. in 'Clinical & Health Psychology' (The Netherlands) | Google+